
The Human-Human Interface


The World Right Now

Interesting to compare this to the TenByTen site we profiled a couple days ago. What news organizations find “important”, vs. the celebrity archetypes that seem to be part of our personal spheres of interest.

1. oscars

2. anna nicole smith

3. kirby puckett

4. june carter

5. walk the line

6. jessica alba

7. ash wednesday

8. johnny cash


The World Right Now

These are an interesting combo of high tech and low tech (“the street finds its own uses for things”) to give each other a status update on the world around us.

“grafedia: words written anywhere, then linked to images, video or sound files online.”

Grafedia now takes the place of Hey Stranger at the Glowlab site. Glowlab is a pretty interesting “magazine of psychogeography and contemporary art.” In the Hey Stranger project, New York artist Christina Ray wrote “Hey stanger, what are you up to today” on clear tape and stuck it in locations around Brooklyn, with an email response address. She posted the answers at Glowlab.

RSS Feeds of The World Right Now

The World Right Now

This is really cool. My book cited comic book author Alan Moore who invented a character who had invented a set-up a lot like this (The Watchmen, circa 1990?) The visual element is a step forward – humans process the visual more quickly and holistically than the word. Video would be a logical next step.

“Every hour, 10×10 scans the RSS feeds of several leading international news sources, and performs an elaborate process of weighted linguistic analysis on the text contained in their top news stories. After this process, conclusions are automatically drawn about the hour’s most important words. The top 100 words are chosen, along with 100 corresponding images, culled from the source news stories. At the end of each day, month, and year, 10×10 looks back through its archives to conclude the top 100 words for the given time period. In this way, a constantly evolving record of our world is formed, based on prominent world events, without any human input.”×10.html

How Do You Get to Be a Professional Visionary??

Wholeness and Virtual Communities

Inventor and, well, “visionary” Ray Kurzweil offers some predictions that are interesting in the context of a developing noosphere. Putting near term dates on things is a good marketing move, but don’t put money on ’em.

“Computer visionary Ray Kurzweil examined the effects of accelerating growth of technologies on the present and future of human technological innovation during a speech at the ninth annual CRN Industry Hall of Fame, held Tuesday in Santa Clara, Calif…By 2010, Kurzweil said, computers will begin to disappear, instead becoming embedded in the environment and into materials such as clothing and eyeglasses. Images will be written directly on human retinas, said Kurzweil, adding that the military uses this technology today in modeling virtual reality environments. “Search engines of the near future won’t wait to be asked for information,” he said.

“2029 is where technology really gets interesting because we’ll have had all of this exponential growth taking place over the next 25 years,” said Kurzweil. By this time, computation will move from the device and become Web-centric. “There is going to be a worldwide mesh consisting of tiny devices, nodes in clothing and in the environment, each sending and receiving their own messages, as well as passing on other peoples’ messages,” Kurzweil said. Organization on the massive worldwide mesh will be much like that of the traditional Internet, in terms of being self-organizing and every device being a node, he added.

The Electric Human

Personal Infrastructure

I didn’t see any of these guys at CES, but they are midway between the Asian companies obsession with clean air and my speculations that some of the tinfoil hat crowd, if you filter out the paranoia, might be onto something.

“Targeting Americans concerned about exposure to mobile phone and electrical infrastructure, online retailers are selling a growing selection of protective gear. Listings include radiation-blocking boxers, radio curtain shields and pendants for removing electromagnetic frequencies…the proliferation of cellular antennae and electricity-sucking gadgetry is heightening concern among those who profess to suffer from electrical sensitivity, an illness triggered by exposure to frequencies emitted by various manmade technologies.”,1367,69640,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_3

Global Early Warning Systems

The World Right Now

Disasters and wars seem to speed up technology development. Here’s recent developments in worldwide sensors for early warning on tsunamis.

“Indonesia won’t rely solely on seismic signals in making a call on a tsunami. Last month, scientists deployed the first two seafloor sensors of the German Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System. The devices, whose development was spearheaded by the National Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam and the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences in Kiel, measure sea- floor vibrations and pressure changes in the water column

The U.S.-made Deep-Ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis tsunameters–each a buoy and an associated bottom pressure sensor–already serve as sentinels for the PTWC in Hawaii. It’s the only such device that’s been “tried and tested,” notes IOC’s Erb. At a price tag of $250,000 per buoy and a design life of 1 year, the network won’t come cheap, nor will it come quickly: The U.S. factory that produces the buoys was inundated by Hurricane Katrina, so production is lagging, sources say.”

The Grid Contemplates Itself

Wholeness and Virtual Communities

Grid computing (interconnected computer processing, thinking if you will, directed at a common goal) continues to grow. The technology is proving out, and large scale projects appear to be the classic “benefit to mankind” applications. Of course, the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security can probably afford all the CPUs they need.

“World Community Grid’s mission is to create the largest public computing grid benefiting humanity.” Projects include the Human Proteome Project, mapping the proteins made from the genes mapped by the Human Genome Project. Partners donating computing resources include IBM and the Semiconductor Industry Association. is a single destination site for large-scale, non-profit research projects of global significance.

This last one is interestingly self-reflexive, the Internet studying itself. Self-consciousness is said to be the defining characteristic of the human.

“DIMES is a distributed scientific research project, aimed to study the structure and topology of the Internet, with the help of a volunteer community (similar in spirit to projects such as SETI@Home). The DIMES project is part of EVERGROW – a research consortium comprising more then 20 universities and research institutes from various countries. The DIMES headquarters are situated in Tel-Aviv University ‘s EE-Systems department.”

Location Based Technology Rising

The World Right Now

Location-based capabilities for the wireless infrastructure has been a big focus of the Neurosphere site, enabling extended awareness of where you are and what is around you. Here’s a half-billion dollar confirmation of its importance. I’m not sure a call center outfit like West really gets it, but they must have their reasons.

“”Its strong position in a growing market, its industry-leading technology, and its experienced management team will improve our ability to meet our customer’s demands. Further, Intrado complements the existing offerings of our Communications Services segment, providing a highly visible revenue stream and additional cross-selling and margin expansion opportunities,” said Thomas B. Barker, Chief Executive Officer of West Corporation.”


Personal Infrastructure

1. IrisAccess 4000

IrisAccess 4000, buried in the corner of the huge display of LGE digital big fat flat screens, was the only sign of biometrics at the Show. That industry got up wholesale and moved over to the Homeland Security pig trough over the last couple years. I believe in about four more years it will appear again in the consumer space with amazing development funded by bottomless defense department and DHS spending.

2. Logicube

Logicube formerly recognized as the “dominant leader in hard drive duplication”, has expanded in this Age of Terrorism into the leader in computer forensic products that are Government approved and now offer solutions in the law enforcement community.“ That is, they sell technology for reading drives that have been wiped clean of data. The “Made in the USA logo is prominent, as is a United States Government Approved” seal with an eagle and the words Law Enforcement, United States of America, “to honor, serve and protect.”

3. Yellow Machine

A terabyte storage drive, in the shape and size (one foot tall) of a desktop refrigerator, with a distinctive yellow color. More sexing up of core geek technology, as Moore’s Law marches on.

4. Buffalo Technologies TeraStation

A similar size, but tricked out to look like a metal safe. It’s also tricked out, unlike the Yellow Machine, to be a home media server connected to television. When bytes is bytes, functionality is only limited by marketing imagination.

5. RJ Technology

“Welcome to RJ Technology’s fascinating digital world. Our vision is to offer a new touch of digital life style, which blends fashion and design with technology.” All the things in their catalog, from the floor speakers to MP3 and DVD players to the high fashion models, are emaciatingly thin.

6. Faserwave

A portable satellite receiver that folds up to the size of a notebook – get your satellite TV wherever you go. Of course you have to take the satellite converter box with you too – not bad for the mobile home lifestyle. Coming soon – the 2006 Marine Antenna, with digital gyro compass systems for satellite tracking in moving vessels.

7. RaySat SpeedRay 3000


Speaking of moving vessels, RaySat SpeedRay 3000 – tracking satellite receiver for the roof of your mobile vehicle of choice. Cool NASCAR name as well.

8. Chitter Chatter

So I bought my 9 year old daughter a cell phone for Christmas – a Firefly, with limited minutes and a set of preprogrammed numbers she can call. I still felt it was kind of early for that. Then I saw the Chitter Chatter phone – same kind of deal, but additional feature of location-based technology – be able to find location of your kid (or at least their phone) within 300 feet. The implications, of course, are that your boss could know if you’re playing golf when you call in sick. High degree of social impact in this one.

9. TouchNTalk Multi-Language Learning System

Scanner pen and companion unit with voice synthesizer that reads the words you scan. Kids can read to themselves! Very cool, unless it works like the first language processor I had, which translated a German menu item as the succulent “Pig’s Nipple”.

10. XaviX BassFISHING –

Adding to their line of baseball, golf and other games combining a motion sensing pad on which you stand and swing with video game environments on your TV, this year’s product introduction is…Bass Fishing! Pulse pounding action !!!


Personal Infrastructure

Asian manufacturers, from Japan (not counting Sony and other “majors”), Korea (not including Samsung and other “majors”), Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and elsewhere have large presences at the Consumer Electronics Show. These illustrate life-cycle trends in technology innovations from years past, but also technology trends that never make it to North America. I am constantly struck by the range of health-related gadgets among these companies, revealing something about Asian cultures that I’m too provincial to get. And sometimes I make fun of the language issues, but please excuse that juvenile attitude.

1. Newlane Limited MP3 Players

Deep in the Hong Kong/Taiwanese modular show booth farms are countless knock-offs of familiar brands – MP3 players copying the Apple white surface and shape. One from Newlane Limited has a plus-sign shaped up-down-left-right control in the place of the scroll dial. The plus-sign comes in children’s primary colors – looks like a cross between Apple and Fisher Price. Brands travel.

2. SurroundAir Ionic Air Purifier

I wonder if Asia has more air purification gadgets because of their higher proportion of urban, skyscraper hi-density living and working space. Try the SurroundAir Ionic Air Purifier. It’s portable and you can “enjoy clean air even when stuck in traffic”. Or from the same outfit, a hand-held Live Sure Water Tester, which gives you a readout of “Total Dissolved Solids levels (TDSs can include salts metals leads, arsenic, sewage, fertilizer, pesticides and other impurities). – I suppose it also includes salt or other harmless stuff?

3. Vigorhood Pacific

I have a personal shredder, but, mostly I just like the company name.

4. Kingbillion

Again, I just like the name.

5. Health Fan Heater

Health Fan Heater – cleans air, generates negative ions (the good kind!), with built in air fan and heater and generates (or prevents?) “Far-Infrared Ray”. I have to investigate this one a little more I guess. This Web site seems ephemeral – but I think they were a Hong Kong outfit.

6. Airdow

Airdow generates negative ions to reduce computer’s static radiation and kieep health”

Produce the high-density negative more than 2 million per second, make people feel in the forest;” Comes in green, gray, pink and “milky white.”

7. iBox iTelephone Café

More a business opportunity than a technology, iBox iTelephone Café is a “real telco-level switch – start with a switch the size of a cable converter box, “with a minimal investment, you can issue your own calling cards at wholesale telecom rates. “As your business grows from a small one man telephone café into a real telecom company with hundreds or thousands of people working for you, our telco-level switches are ready to accommodate your growth.” I can only guess that this is aimed at developing nations, but don’t ask me contact:

8. Magnetic Point Massager

Handheld device for magnetically stimulating acupressure points. Comes with acupressure map. You first.


It’s an indoor deodorizer, bacteria killer, skin moistener and humidifier. It destroys “Funk produced by organic substance”. Aromas include lavender, mint, Eucalyptus and Pythoncidere.

10. Vapir

Digital Vaporization Technology. “Since the dawn of time, humans have burned plants, inhaling unhealthy compounds from the process that aren’t found in the original plant. The Vapir line of vaporizers …”releases an herb’s essential material, without many of the toxic elements created by smoking.” Paging the medical marijuana movement. Hey, wait a minute! These guys aren’t Asian – they’re from Venice, California. Well, Pacific Rim then.

11. Digital Integrated Systems

An entry from Malaysia – with a line of MP4 players. They also do Digital Audio Broadcasting receivers, which I think is a good, not too crowded entry niche for a low cost manufacturer. The Blue Thunder line includes the Viper Cam with its “attractive snake shape camera”.

All the health devices seem so obsessed with sensory perceptions. I remember one of my favorites from the dotcom era, a company called DigiScent. They claimed to be able to digitize scents, send them over the wire, and recreate them on a device at your end. From a Neurosphere point of view, this would actually be viewed as a step forward toward digital interconnection on a more integral basis, all senses instead of the abstractions of words and bits. Hmm.