
The Human-Human Interface

Biometrics and Mass Transit

Personal Infrastructure

Biometrics coming to a bus stop near you.

“The Regional Transportation District (RTD) of Denver, Colorado has adopted 3D facial recognition for physical access control to secure its Treasury. RTD is using A4Vision’s Vision Access 3D Face Readers raise security levels. The new readers verify that RFID access cards used with the Lenel access control system for access to the Treasury are being used only by designated, authorized holders. RTD also uses A4Vision’s Vision Enrolment Station to enroll authorized individuals in a 3D facial recognition database that stores and manages identity information and access parameters. Jim Hawver, A4Vision VP of Sales, said, “Denver RTD’s investment in A4Vision’s 3D facial recognition products marks a significant adoption, considering the potential of 3D facial biometrics for mass transit security.”