
The Human-Human Interface

Neurosphere Publishing


Please see link below for the complete set of publications from Donald P. Dulchinos

This comprises topics including consciousness, neurotech and other technology, and climate.  It all relates in some way to, and has been inspired by, the aspirational notion of Teilhard’s vision of the noosphere.

Ongoing NST Publishing Platforms


Going forward, you can find my latest neurotech articles and postings at my Medium site.

Neurotech Sector Survey


Here’s the first in a series on the state of the neurotech sector, published by the global TransTech organization.

Visit to the TransTech Conference


Article here on “BCI and Beyond

New Article – Teilhard and Graves

Network Infrastructure for the Neurosphere

A think piece about the possible role of technology in stages of human psychological development.

Building a Neurosphere

Personal Infrastructure

The Neurosphere Institute is now exploring some concrete steps to build out the personal infrastructure – jacking in if you will.  Here’s a summary from the first baby step, which established an ongoing project and team.  Join us or learn more by sending a message.

Thirty people gathered for the first Rocky Mountain BrainHack on Saturday, November 10.  The event was marked by:

  • Educational presentations on neuroscience, machine learning applied to neuroscience, and the new generation of brain-computer interface technologies.
  • Hands-on time with the new generation of brain-computer interface devices.
  • Extensive roundtable discussion of mental flow-states, including how to define them and identify associated brainwave patterns.
  • Data gathering to fuel further research on the flow-state project
  • Business and product roundtable focused on the assistive technology landscape.
  • Successful testing of an initial proof-of-concept of using device output for mental commands to move a third-party device. This path has great potential to provide assistive technology solutions to the disabled community. See the video here!



Thought, gesture-controlled robots

Neural Correlates of Spiritual Experience

Personal Infrastructure
Overall, the study introduces a novel method for investigating brain correlates of personally meaningful spiritual experiences and suggests neural mechanisms associated with broadly defined and personally experienced spirituality.

Wearable MEG

Personal Infrastructure

A new generation of brain scanner, that can be worn like a helmet allowing patients to move naturally whilst being scanned, has been developed. It is part of a five-year Wellcome funded project which has the potential to revolutionize the world of human brain imaging

Wearable Silent Speech Device

Personal Infrastructure, Uncategorized

Work from MIT Fluid Media Labs.